Ron Kole
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Ron Kole After leaving Craig, Ron was a USAF Public Information Officer at Dover AFB, DE (1970 - 1971) and worked in the USAF Recruiting Service in Albuquerque, NY (1971-1972).

After transitioning to the private sector, Ron stayed in the PR business working for a variety of organizations and companies: Dairy Counci of California, United Way of San Diego County, the City of San Diego, Verizon Wireless, Marin County (CA), and Spokane County.

Ron has one grown son, Jeff, who lives in San Diego and has given Ron 2 grandkids, Bradley and Sierra, both 9months old.  (Info dated: April 2005)

Ron Kole
607 W. Bolan Ave
Spokane, WA 99224
(509) 443-7007

Ron Kole
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