Woody Friend
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Woody and his T38 So far, since graduation, Woody has accumulated over 20,000 hours of flight time. After graduation, Woody:

--  1971 - 1978: B52 Copilot/AC

As a member of the USAF Air Reserve:

--  1978 - 1981: C-123 at Rickenbacker ANGB, Ohio
--  1981 - 1992: C-130 at Rickenbacker ANGB, Ohio
--  1991 - Jan-Jun: C-130 in Desert Storm
--  1992 - 1993: C-141 School, Altus AFB
--  1993: Retired as LtCol

As a Pilot for United Airlines:

--  1985 - 1990: 727 Flight Engineer
--  1990 - 1992: 737/300 Flight Officer
--  1992 - 1995: 757/767 Flight Officer
--  1995 - 2004: 777 Flight Officer
--  2004 - Present: 777 Captain

Woody and his wife Patricia have 3 children: John (32) who lives in Green Bay, WI; Woodrow (29) who lives in Nicholasville; and Clarissa (22) who is a student and lives in Nicholasville. John is an RN and Woodrow is a vet for horses. Woody and Patricia have 2 grandkids: Nicholas age 8 (John) and Anna, age 9 months (Woodrow).   (Info dated: August 2005)

Woody & Patricia Friend
126 Paddock Dr
Nicholasville, Kentucky, 40356
(859) 887-2553 (H)
(859) 312-7619 (Cell)

Woody "in the books" (ZZZZ?)

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