Classmate Pictures
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Guy & Steve
Guy Gardner and Steve Stowe in one of the rare relaxed moments of UPT
"Mister" - mascot of 71-06B
Guy & Steve
Danny Daniels and a B57 - there has to be a good caption for this ...
... I think I remember who this is .. no comment needed :)
In the Flight Shack
Lee, Gerald, and Tom relaxing after a T-37 night flight

The frog from T-37 (F Flight) flight shack.
A copy of our Graduation Program, courtesy of Ron Gambrell (click on image for program contents)
We're Number One
Our classmates displayed extraordinary pride .. continuously flashing the "We're Number One" symbol everytime a camera showed up.
The exciting classroom part of UPT
Air Force and the Marines
T37 Solo Certificate
A Sample of our T37 Solo Certificate
T38 Solo Certificate
A Sample of our T38 Solo Certificate
Group Shot
Gerry Simnacher, Dale Schaub, Ron Gambrell
Early Morning
O-Dark Thirty. The clocks shows 0630 ...

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